Can Ledgersync Extract Specific Checks/Deposits?
A common question asked from Ledgersync.
Can I as an accountant select specific checks and deposits to extract from the bank website?
The answer is No.
The software that is pulling data from the bank web site doesn't have the ability to determine what is a check and deposit "before" touching a transaction and extracting the image. The logic to figure what is a check and deposit is only "AFTER" the software pulls the raw data into a database and then analysis can be done to determine what the image (check or deposit). Some banks have filters but many don't and it's too complicated. As such the software will pull in all images, once inside Ledgersync you can delete unwanted images or filter them out.
As far as billing - the software will bill for all images whether a check or deposit.
Can I determine the time period?
This is a coming feature where you can select from a date calendar selector which dates you want FROM-TO
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