Working with Global Rules and Global Categories (Video)

Working with Global Rules and Global Categories (Video)

Working with Global Rules and Global Categories

*The following information is based on the idea that you have already connected a few of your Ledgersync clients to QuickBooks Online and gone through the initial setup of the integration.  Below are the instruction on how to get to the Global Categories and and how to assign the unique chart of accounts for each of your clients QuickBooks Online Company file.

The global rule engine was designed from day one to assume and expect that clients will have different charts of accounts. As such, when setting up a client for the first time and setting up the rules, you would map the client’s specific Chart of Accounts to a Global Category (Global Chart of Accounts).

For example:
Global Category: Bank Fees
  Client Category A: Bank Fee
  Client Category B: Bank and ATM Fee
  Client Category C: Bank Expenses

How to access the Global Rules in Ledgersync:

In LedgerSync, start by selecting RULES ENGINE from the top menu bar.
Select GLOBAL RULES from the options listed across the new page (the first option on the left).
Once selected, an new submenu will appear:

Global Categories: 

This is where you will assign, edit, or delete global categories across all of your connected clients. 
    1. The data table shown provides the following information:
      1. Global Category: This is the name you created for the Global Category. We recommend naming it like you would a Chart of Account
      2. Description: Fill this in to make sure all team members understand why and when this global category should be used.
      3. Assigned Clients: This number shows how many of your clients files have been mapped using this global category.
      4. Unassigned Clients: This number shows how many clients using the Global Rules Engine HAVE NOT been mapped for this global category.
        NOTE: If you do not map the Global Category but you use that category while creating GLOBAL RULES it will not trigger the rule for any client that was not mapped.
      5. When you click into one of the category lines, a new popup window will be displayed where you will see the mapping of the category for each of the connected clients. You create a master category called “Bank Fees” and you would map each client’s COA for bank fees to that master list. It’s like having a Master GL, and all the different QBO client COAs would roll up to that master level.

Global Vendors:

This is your unique list of "Global Vendors that can be used while creating Global Rules. It allows you to create ALIAS names to help vendor names match across different company files.

To add Alias Names to a Vendor. Click on the name in the list. This will open up a new module where you will be able to add the various alias name

Global Rules:

      This is you list of Global Rules that are available to be assigned across all clients that you have mapped the global category.
      The data table can be sorted by clicking the different column titles. This will not change the Priority order of the rules.

Filter Options:

The rules can be filtered to show:
  1. Active Rules
  2. Inactive Rules
  3. Applied to Money In or Money Out Rules
  4. Search via text box.

The Data Table:

  1. The data table shows the following information:
    1. Checkbox: Allows you to select which rules to Delete, Disable, or Enable in bulk.
    2. Priority: This is the order in which the rules will impact your "FOR REVIEW" transactions in Ledgersync.  
    3. Rule Name: The individual name of each rule that has been created.
      Parkway Tip: We use the following naming convention when creating rules. [Initials of Person Creating the Rule.Chart of Account.Payee Name] This allows us to know who created the rule in case we need to retrain someone on best practices, and also provides us a fast way to see what account and who the transaction should be assigned to. It makes it easier to search for a rule if you end up having a problem with how one is interacting in the future.
    4. Applied To: Let's you know if the rule is specifically impacting Money In or Money Out transactions
    5. Conditions: Shows you the specifics of the rules that you created
    6. Set Category To: Displays the Chart of Account (Category) that has been assigned.
    7. Payee: Displays the Payee name assigned to the rule
    8. Enabled: Displays if the rules has been enabled or disabled

How to Add a Rule: 

Select the Add Rule button to be able to create a new rule.  See Create Rule Document for more details.

How to Edit a Rule:

Click anywhere in the row with the rule you wish to adjust. It will open up the details of the rule and allow you to edit any details you wish.
NOTE: Any transactions that have been previously categorized before editing a rule will NOT be updated or changed when you edit the rule. It will only impact any new transaction under the For Review tab on the transaction table.

If you have additional questions and would like to speak to our Accounting Workflow Specialist, please book a time with Matthew Fulton to learn more and help you get started. His calendar is available at the bottom of the page.

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