How do I export data to a specific folder on my cloud storage?

How do I export data to a specific folder on my cloud storage?

When exporting data from Ledgersync to the cloud storage systems we connect to there a few options of available when it comes to determine the "end point" of where the data (transactions/statements/checks) are deposited to. 

At the moment Ledgersync supports integration with:

Google Drive
One Drive
Xero Drive

For example, when exporting the statements from Ledgersync to you have three options:

1) Leave the path at the "Master Level" Blank.
This will create a default folder structure in or Google Drive or One Drive that looks like this... Apps/Ledgersync/Client Name/Client Bank/Client Bank Account/Statements
This tree structure is created for each independent client by default. 

2) Enter a Path at the Master Level. 
At the "Master Level" you can export ALL the data into one location. This means that the system will push all the transactions, statements etc..into one specific location for ALL Clients. Simply identify the path and since this at the Master Level it will push all the data for all clients into one specific folder. 

3) Client Specific Folders
If you have folders set up already on say for each client  you can "map" the folder at the client level. 
To do this, please go:

A) Client Management tab (top of the Ledgersync page) 
B) Select "Manage"
C) Select "Cloud Mapping"
D)  Click and drill down to the folder you want the data to be deposited to. Keep on 2x clicking and when you see the correct folder click on "select" and "Save"

*** Please note that the API of Dropbox limits Ledgersync to deposit data within Apps/Ledgersync/...
Basically Dropbox creates a Ledgersync sandbox and we must work within this sandbox.

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