How To Add My First Ledgersync Client?

How To Add My First Ledgersync Client?

Awesome.. you have signed up to Ledgersync and now it's time to add your first client

Follow the following steps to add your first client to Ledgersync

1- Click on the Red Button towards the top left "Add Client"

2) Enter in all the info on the form. The username is by default the email address. The most common question we get here is: Should I add my client info or not? 
The answer is that it depends.
      a) If you DO HAVE CLIENT BANK ACCESS than you do not have to insert the client's email and cell phone. Why? Because you have access to their bank ( Client Access)  there is no reason to contact the client. You already have client access (NOT accountant access as this read only access does not work with Ledgersync and all third party apps).  In this case we suggest putting in the for the email address. For example:  

    b) If you DO NOT HAVE CLIENT ACCESS than yes insert the client's correct email and cell phone number

3)  We highly recommend entering the client's cell number as the cell number is used to TEXT the client for them to add their bank connections on their mobile and fix broken bank connections via their mobile.

4) Finally decide if you want to invite your client to Ledgersync via SMS/EMAIL Both or None. 

We do recommend you inform your client about Ledgersync in advance so they feel comfortable with the product. 

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