How to connect and map client specific statements and checks to SmartVault

How to connect and map client specific statements and checks to SmartVault

SmartVault is the best tool on the market that allows you store the banking data collected via Ledgersync is an organized and secure way. 
Connecting Ledgersync to the SmartVault app is super easy.  Each night Ledgersync checks what has been added and pushes the data to SmartVault. 

There are two methods of pushing data to SmartVault. 
Either Ledgersync can create a default folder and tree structure within SmartVault OR you can map a client's data to a specific folder within SmartVault and all the data is posted there. 

Step 1: 
1- Go to Tools/Cloud Storage
2- Select SmartVault and Authorize
Follow the steps to connect SmartVault to Ledgersync..

To push statements/checks to specific folders within SmartVault

Step 2
1- Go to the client management tab (second link at the top)
2- Click  to the right on Manage link
3-Select Cloud Mapping
4- Select the client specific folder within SmartVault that you want to deposit client X data to and click Save

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