Ledgersync & SmartVault Workflow Tips

What is the best way to utilize SmartVault and Ledgersync together?

Ledgersync & SmartVault Workflow Tips

Benefits of the Integration:

  1. Automate the Fetching and Secure Storage of financial information
  1. Maintain a seamless workflow
  1. Control the flow and security of sensitive information
  1. Employees can view documents without download any files

Statement Collection Workflow:

  1. Login to Ledgersync & invite your client to attach their financial institutions
  2. Send an SMS invite to the primary account user to simplify security tokens
  3. Prepopulate a list of institutions for your client to connect with.

Step 2: Select Your Cloud Storage Location

  1. Integrate with SmartVault by selecting Manage under your Client List 
  2. Select Cloud Mapping and select SmartVault from the list of options of cloud storage locations.

Step 3: Complete the Authorization Steps

  1. Provide Ledgersync SECURE access inside SmartVault by verifying your USER PIN.

Step 4: Map the Folder Location

Image shows the three screens displayed during this step.

Each client can be mapped to their own destination within SmartVault
      Automatically sync all your:
  1. Transactions
  2. Statements
  3. Check & Deposit Images

Completed Integration:

Employees can view statements directly from SmartVault without the need to download them to personal computer.

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