When should I connect to Chase through Mastercard and when should I connect through Ledgersync's Premium Bank Connections?

When should I connect to Chase through Mastercard and when should I connect through Ledgersync's Premium Bank Connections?


When adding Chase accounts, I noticed that I did not have the option to choose which accounts I wanted to connect, I had to connect both accounts that were under the login.
Note:  We are assuming the question is asking how do you choose which accounts to pull into Ledgersync when connecting to a financial institution. It is important to know that all accounts that are visible through your security credentials will be pulled into Ledgersync. The only exception to this are the new OAuth connections through Mastercard which will ask you to select which accounts you would like to provide access to.


There are two different connections types with Chase Bank in Ledgersync. Depending on the information you wish to fetch, you may need to connect twice for all available information.

Fetching Transactions - MasterCard 

Through our connection with MasterCard we are only able to fetch transaction information. The Chase API does not currently support any images including Statements, Checks, or Deposit images.  When connecting for this information, you can preselect the institution before asking your client to make the connection.  Once you login by providing your security credentials, it will fetch ALL accounts that are accessible under those credentials.  If you do not wish to see all accounts, you can delete certain accounts after they load. The only exception to this are the new OAuth connections through Mastercard which will ask you to select which accounts you would like to provide access to.

Fetching Statements - Ledgersync Premium Banks

Ledgersync has custom coded our own statement fetcher so we can provide access to bank statements.  This requires a second connection to Chase through our Premium Banks.  If you are looking for both the transactions and the statements, we have customized the workflow for Chase to ask you if you also want the Statements after you connect and sync for the transactions.

How to Delete Specific Accounts:

At this time,  the Ledgersync API does not allow you to preselect the bank accounts that you want, rather you can delete the bank accounts that you don’t want after accessing all accounts by:

After selecting the client from your list:
1: Select Bank Account from the top menu
2: Select Summary from the drop down menu
3: From the list of accounts, click the Trash Can icon on the line with the account you want to remove.

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