Why is Capital One and Chase not sending a 2 Factor token code to my number?

Why is Capital One and Chase not sending a 2 Factor token code to my number?

You maybe wondering, when I am on Ledgersync and I am sending a token code to the number on screen why is is that some times I am not receiving a 6 digit code to enter on the screen? 

This can happen and there are a few reasons

1- There is a bug in the software and the token code is not being initiated by the software  and therefore not sent. Basically the software did not "push the buttons" to send the code to you.

2- The phone number that the bank has is incorrect

3- Possibly an issue with the  phone carrier  or message went to spam or is blocked

4- Certain large banks like Chase and Capital One have a policy NOT TO SEND token codes to VOIP numbers like Google Voice, or Ring Central. In this case you have to add a regular cell phone number to the bank so they can send you the number. 

Chase bank, and many other financial institutions refuse to send any type of verification codes to VoIP phone numbers. This is due to the insecurity VoIP numbers have inherently. I would advise maintaining a true mobile number, if these codes are important to you.

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