Ledgersync Cloud Storage

How to connect to a Ledgersync Cloud Storage option.

If you are wondering on how to connect with one of the Ledgersync cloud storage integrations, then this is a perfect brief explanation article.

At the moment Ledgersync Cloud Storage currently supports:

  1. Dropbox
  2. Google Drive
  3. One Drive
  4. SharePoint
  5. Xero
  6. SmartVault

All of these cloud storage locations needs to be connected to Ledgersync. Once this is done, the statements and checks will be published on the cloud storage of your choice. 

How to do this? 

1- At the top of the page click on Tools
2- Select Cloud Storage
3- Select the cloud storage of your choice  (ex. Google Drive)
4- Click on the "Authorize link" and follow the steps to connect.

NOTE: If left alone, the system will create a new folder structure in your cloud storage that looks like this:
Apps/Ledgersync/Client Name/Bank Name/Bank Account/Statements

** At the moment, the data will be pushed at night. It's not set up to run real time (not yet).